Saturday, October 31, 2009

Once again...Delmer is home!

Good morning! It's Tricia once again. I know I'm sounding like a broken record these days either announcing that Delmer is in the hospital or that he's home. Well...I'm now happy to announce that he is home! He was released last night and seems to be doing well. Delmer said he is now in possession of a new Internet router which will make it much easier for him to update the blog and said he would do so later today.

When D gets on the blog, he'll explain the latest findings from his last hospital stay and surgical procedure, but, overall, he reports that there's nothing too serious going on - and that Patty K continues to function well! He sounded really good over the phone and that was a relief.

Nothing exciting to report on my end. Thankfully, I am doing GREAT and am getting geared up to go back to work in about a week. These past few weeks have gone amazingly fast (for me, probably not for Delmer...) and I'm feeling stronger every day.

As always, thank you for the continual outpouring of support and prayers for both Delmer and me. D still has quite a road ahead of him, but he knows we're all right there behind him.


Love, Tricia

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