Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hey everybody....

It's been awhile since I have posted something on this blog, and my apologies to you all for got getting on often. Right when we got home the first time my router for the computer broke, and acess to my son's computer is somewhat limited. But I wanted to touch base with you all to let you know how things are going.

I won't lie, I have been a bit down the last week or so. The persistent bloating I have had has been a nagging, frustrating issue ever since the surgery happened. Even after I was admitted to the hospital the 2nd time, I though the external drain they surgically put into my abdomen would help, but it still persists. Patty K is still working wonderfully, there are no signs of infection, blood pressure has been fine, and so has my temp. and my blood sugars, it's just this bloating that still persists. It's like I'm carrying around this small person in my abdomen. I am hanging in there though. I spend my days watching TV, walking when I have the energy to do so, and resting. On Friday I went in for a CT scan to see if there were any other pockets of fluid that were developing, and tomorrow (Mon., Oct 19th) I go into the Med. Center for my check up, and hopefully they will find a solution to the fluid build up. I promise I will be more faithful to reporting what has been going on with me. I thank Tricia for her updates and keeping you all informed as to what has been going on with me :-) Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I deal with this. Your e-mails and messages on my homepage have been so uplifting, they have really been keeping me going. I know this is a temp. situation, but it just gets hard sometimes. Know that we all are so thankful for everything you have done for us. I wish you all good wishes and great blessings.


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