Thursday, October 29, 2009

D's roller coaster ride continues...

Good morning all. It's Tricia letting you know that our friend Delmer is once again hospitalized. He was admitted yesterday due to the ever-aggravating fluid retention. Later this afternoon he will undergo a minor surgical procedure during which the surgeon will drain the fluid and clean out the area around his incision. They will then test the fluid to determine if there's any infection going on. I talked to Lesley (D's wife) a few minutes ago and she is hopeful that this procedure will give D some much-needed relief and some answers as to what exactly is causing this on-going problem.

The good news? Delmer's new kidney is continuing to function well so that is indeed a blessing!

Please say some prayers today that the procedure goes well and that Delmer can finally get strong and well.

I'll let you know when I get more details.



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