Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fluid retention = no fun!

Good evening family and friends! It's Tricia with an update on the latest happenings in transplantland. update on Delmer. Unfortunately, Big D is back at the Med Center tonight, but thankfully, it's nothing too serious. From the day he came home from the hospital, he has been plauged with very uncomfortable bloating around the area of his incision. The fluid retention became so bad these past couple days that Delmer reports he looked like he was not only pregnant, but overdue!" This morning, doctors gave his some mild sedation, stuck a needle in his gut (ouch!) and extracted a full liter of fluid. They're keeping him overnight to keep an eye on things and hopefully, he'll come home tomorrow - but we'll have to wait and see. Delmer reports that other than the fluid retention, everything else is good. The new kidney is functioning well and his blood pressure and blood sugar numbers are normal. So, hang in there, D, and know we're all praying and pulling for you to get on the road to a full recovery.

As for me, I'm doing quite well today. Friday and yesterday were a little rough as my intestines finally kicked in and were angry at me for some things I had eaten that I shouldn't have. But all is much calmer today. I'm spending way too much time on the couch so am forcing myself to get up and do some laundry and other low-key chores around the house - and then I tell myself "'s okay to veg out on the couch!"

So, that's the latest on this cold, dreary Sunday evening. I'll bug Delmer tomorrow for an update and will let you know how he's doing.

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