Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tricia's turn...

Okay - this is my first time on the blog, so I hope I do this right...

Wow...the big day is almost here! As many of you know, I caused a 3-week delay from the original date of Sept. 9 because of a minor gum infection - but that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Having that extra time allowed me to better prepare at work, at home, and even mentally. Yesterday, I had a scare when I thought the infection had returned. I couldn't imagine telling Delmer we had to postpone it yet again! But a trip to the dentist this morning brought immense relief when I learned all was fine. That experience made me realize how much I need and want to do this.

So...that brings us to tonight. Father Connor, the priest at our neighborhood parish, came over for dinner. He's been a very special connection through this whole experience as he donated a kidney to his nephew this past April. Following dinner and great conversation, he led me in confession and gave me the annointing of the sick to help me prepare for surgery (if you're Catholic you'll appreciate this). He also prayed for Delmer. Afterwards, I asked if that was the first time he had given confession with 70's classic rock in the background and a dirty sock at this feet that the dog had dragged in!

Delmer and I both have so many special people in our lives to help us through this experience. So thank you - for all the support and prayers!

P.S. - I have to say thanks to my friend Jackie who sent a package that I received today in the mail. It contained three cans of kidney beans and a container of "kidney stones" plus a few other assorted goodies. It made my day!


  1. Thank Father Connor for his prayer Tricia....!

  2. Rock n' Roll and a dirty sock? I bet he has seen/heard worse! All will go well - pray to Mary - she's a sure bet!
