Sunday, September 27, 2009

Details, details...

Good morning everyone, this is Tricia! I've been getting a lot of questions over the past few days about my upcoming procedure. So, I thought I would provide a few details...

The action begins tomorrow, September 28 at the Med Center. I report at 7:30 a.m. for bloodwork, a physical, and meetings with the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Starting at noon, I'm restricted to clear liquids for the rest of the day, so that means I may have to indulge in a Runza cheeseburger and fries tonight!

On Tuesday morning, I report back to the Med Center at 6:00 a.m. My surgery should begin around 7:30. It's expected to take 4-5 hours. How does one remove a kidney from one's body? It's done with a procedure called "hand-assisted laparaoscopy." They'll make four small incisions near my belly button and will do the scoping and cutting that way. Then, when the kidney is ready to come out, they'll make a larger incision. Piece of cake!

My husband and my two daughters will go with me - and my two lovely sisters will also be there. I will be in the hospital for about 4 days and then it's home to my comfy bed, remote control and lots of books!

Delmer will have to fill you in on what his experience will be like, but I do know that he will also be at the Med Center tomorrow for pre-op testing so we will undoubtedly have one big party!

I am so ready for this - and am very much at peace with it - all because of family, friends and faith. Thank you for coming along on this ride!

Okay it's YOUR turn!

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