Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Gifts of Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! It's Tricia with a quick holiday greeting.

The ice storm has cometh, but for me that's okay. Homemade chicken and noodle soup is simmering on the stove; Christmas shopping is as done as it's gonna get; most of the gifts are wrapped and under the tree; and I'm not going anywhere today. This makes me realize how thankful I am for the gifts I have already received for Christmas:

  • Delmer is doing great! He reports that all post-surgery complications are resolved and he's now back to work full-time. I'm also doing great and have no iff-effects from the surgery. It was an amazing experience!

  • My girls (and Keeley's fiancee Jon) are here in Lincoln safe and sound and I'm grateful that I don't have to worry about them traveling during this crazy weather. I wish that were the case for all families!

  • Four-and-a-half years after suffering a traumatic brain injury, Dave is doing well! Those who were there in the aftermath of the accident know that he is a true miracle man.

  • I have incredible family, friends and coworkers! And I'm reminded of that every day.

I am SO thankful to God for all the blessings in my life. And I pray that He will bless all of you abundantly during this Christmas season!

Love, Tricia

Monday, November 16, 2009

Starting to see clearer....

Hi everyone....Tricia has been after me to let you all know how I've been doing. Until recently, I had really felt like coming on or doing much of anything. This journey has been one of the toughest battles i have ever faced in my life. Its been tough on me, but it has also been tough on my family. Week after week after week in the hospital, and the constant bloating had taken its toll on my body as well as my mind. Being poked and prodded and talking to doctors over and over again about what they thought was wrong just wore all of us out. A few weeks ago, during my last stay in the hospital, I would have to say I was pretty much depressed. I had no desire to eat, or to get out of bed, or to shower, or to do anything that I normally enjoyed. I felt so bad. Ultimately on this last visit, they did find out what was wrong, and they did yet another procedure to fix the bloating problem, which was tied to the new kidney and my heart. Believe it or not I have lost over 20+ pounds in fluid over the last week and a half. I feel so much better mentally as well as physically. I feel like finally I am on the road to feeling better. Again, I need to send out thank you's to all that have been praying and sending well wishes. I apologize for not getting back to many of you sooner. But like the title of this blog says, I am starting to see things clearer now. You don't have to bug Tricia about how I am doing :-) Please feel free to contact me, and I'll give you the scoop.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sorry for not posting any updates lately!

Good's Tricia with a long overdue update on the transplant saga. I say "saga" because that's what it's been for Delmer. The last update on October 31 announced that he was home from the hospital. Since that time he was admitted yet again! After experiencing no relief from the excessive fluid retention, the surgeon at the Med Center did yet another surgical procedure to fix the problem. Delmer reports that the combination of the surgery and a high dose of a diuretic has resulted in the loss of 20 lbs. of fluid over the past few days. Delmer says he feels so much better!

So...we'll hope and pray that the worst is over for our dear friend.

As for me...I started back to work on Monday and I have to's kicked my butt! My poor body is going through serious couch withdrawal. But overall, I'm feeling great - and am very thankful for that. It's also great to back amongst my friends and coworkers.

So, on that note, I'd better get back to work. Delmer and I will be back in touch soon...I promise!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Once again...Delmer is home!

Good morning! It's Tricia once again. I know I'm sounding like a broken record these days either announcing that Delmer is in the hospital or that he's home. Well...I'm now happy to announce that he is home! He was released last night and seems to be doing well. Delmer said he is now in possession of a new Internet router which will make it much easier for him to update the blog and said he would do so later today.

When D gets on the blog, he'll explain the latest findings from his last hospital stay and surgical procedure, but, overall, he reports that there's nothing too serious going on - and that Patty K continues to function well! He sounded really good over the phone and that was a relief.

Nothing exciting to report on my end. Thankfully, I am doing GREAT and am getting geared up to go back to work in about a week. These past few weeks have gone amazingly fast (for me, probably not for Delmer...) and I'm feeling stronger every day.

As always, thank you for the continual outpouring of support and prayers for both Delmer and me. D still has quite a road ahead of him, but he knows we're all right there behind him.


Love, Tricia

Thursday, October 29, 2009

D's roller coaster ride continues...

Good morning all. It's Tricia letting you know that our friend Delmer is once again hospitalized. He was admitted yesterday due to the ever-aggravating fluid retention. Later this afternoon he will undergo a minor surgical procedure during which the surgeon will drain the fluid and clean out the area around his incision. They will then test the fluid to determine if there's any infection going on. I talked to Lesley (D's wife) a few minutes ago and she is hopeful that this procedure will give D some much-needed relief and some answers as to what exactly is causing this on-going problem.

The good news? Delmer's new kidney is continuing to function well so that is indeed a blessing!

Please say some prayers today that the procedure goes well and that Delmer can finally get strong and well.

I'll let you know when I get more details.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Delmer is back in the comfort of his own home!

Good evening! It's Tricia with the latest and greatest from transplantland. I'm very pleased to report that D was released from the hospital yesterday and we're hopeful that this will be the end of complications! While it was the fluid retention that put him back in the hospital initally, it was respiratory problems that kept him in for a few additional days. While the fluid retention may have contributed to the breathing issues, it appears that asthma may be part of the problem. Apparently D has had some undiagnosed asthma symptoms in the past and the trauma he's endured over the past three weeks may have caused a flare-up. But he's breathing better now and, to make sure it stays under control, he will soon undergo some pulmonary tests.

While in the hospital, D also went through some testing on his new kidney. Those tests came back great! Delmer reports that the doctor said the kidney is in "pristine" condition. I believe that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about any of my body parts!

Delmer also said the fluid retention is getting better, but the drainage tube is still in place. Continued prayers are appreciated that these nagging issues will soon go away so that Delmer can finally enjoy good health and healing.

Compared to Delmer, I'm pretty boring (thank God!) My stomach is behaving much better and I'm experiencing very little pain at this time. The only thing I'm really having to recover from, at this point, is three weeks of couch potato-ness (that's my new word of the day). I'm trying to get out and about a little bit more each day so that my body won't be in total shock when I go back to work in two weeks. This morning I even made it to Mass. I was sitting in my usual back-of-the-church spot minding my own business when I hear Father Connor calling my name. He put me on the spot and made me go to the front of the church to give an update on how Delmer and I are doing. I really can't complain though as Father Connor and the parishoners at North American Martyrs church have provided tremendous support and prayers over the past several weeks. The kids at the school even made homemade get-well cards that are absolutely precious.

So...that's all I know at this point. I will continue to hound Delmer for updates on how he is doing. I told him that I am now his sister so he'll just have to put up with my nagging.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support through this amazing experience.

More later!

Love, Tricia

Monday, October 19, 2009

Big D is back in the hospital

Hi all... This is Tricia. Just want to let you know that Delmer is back in the hospital. He had a post-op check-up at the Med Center today and his surgeon wanted to admit him to deal with the ongoing fluid retention. Apparently, the drain they inserted last time isn't working sufficiently so they made some adjustments and will watch him through tomorrow. If things haven't improved by Wednesday, they will do a surgical procedure to help the fluid drain more rapidly. The fluid retention is a condition that should resolve eventually, but for now, they're doing all they can to make Delmer more comfortable. We are happy to report, however, that Patty K (Delmer's new kidney) is working great and that, other than the fluid retention, Delmer is doing well. Please continue to send your prayers his way!

I also had a check-up at the Med Center today and came out much better than Delmer! The only concern is ongoing stomach issues, but we're working on that. Today is the first day I've really been out and about and it felt good, but I'm sure ready for bed!

So...that's all I know for now. We'll keep you posted.

